Sponsorship for High School Students

Stone Age sponsorships are available to youth 14-18 years of age and who qualify for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).  The requirements necessary to maintain a sponsorship are outlined below.

The monthly charge for this gym membership is $10.  If the youth is involved in other programs in the gym, the fee for them is not covered by the sponsorship.

Applications will only be accepted from parents, teachers and counselors within the public school program, as well as social workers who work with the youth.  Please send us documentation that the youth are enrolled in the NSLP.

A membership will be considered upon the submission of this application.  If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact Cristina.

Stone Age will review the applications and will contact the parent or legal guardian to set up the recurring membership.    

Applications for sponsorships may be submitted at any time and can start at any time and will be valid for the school year when the application was submitted and throughout the subsequent summer.  


As of September 2022, the benefits of a high school student sponsored membership are the same as those for regular members.  In addition, no initiation fee will be charged for sponsored memberships and the participants will have priority in selecting climbing gear from the pool donated by members.  Freeze fees will apply as for regular memberships.

The lives of the founders of Stone Age have changed in a positive way when they were introduced to climbing and so we wish to share this life-changing activity with all.

Be well, stay healthy, and climb on!